Child Coordinator
Children who are seriously ill or have disabilities and require multiple services from the municipality have the right to a child coordinator. The child coordinator will gather and coordinate the various services to ensure that the family and child receive the necessary support.
The child coordinator is familiar with the services available in the municipality and will coordinate all service offerings to ensure that the family and child receive the help they need.
The child coordinator will, among other things:
- Provide information and guidance on the family's rights and the municipality’s services.
- Facilitate contact with relevant organizations, such as patient advocacy groups.
- Ensure progress in the child’s individual plan, if applicable.
- Ensure collaboration between different services, such as kindergarten, school, after-school programs (SFO), and the Educational and Psychological Counseling Service (PPT).
- Coordinate all public services (municipality, county, and state) as well as private service providers working for the public sector.
Target group
Families with children who have complex and long-term needs for assistance.
The right to a child coordinator is legally mandated in helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven § 7-2a. The duty of cooperation between services is also required by several laws, including:
Tannhelsetjenesteloven § 1-4a
Barnevernsloven § 15-8
Familievernkontorloven § 1a
Opplæringsloven § 4A-14 og § 15-8
Privatskoleloven § 3-6a
Spesialisthelsetjenesteloven §2-1e og § 2-5a
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven § 2-5c
Barnehageloven § 2b
Nav-loven § 15a
Krisesenterloven § 4
Sosialtjenesteloven § 13
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven § 3-4 og 7-2a
Integreringsloven § 50.
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven
Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service
The right to a child coordinator is not a service you need to apply for. The municipality is responsible for offering the service to families with children who have complex needs for assistance. However, you can still contact the municipality’s health services and initiate the process to receive a child coordinator.
Even if the family is not assigned a child coordinator, the municipality is required to provide a coordinated service that ensures a holistic approach to the child’s needs.
Possibilities to appeal; procedure
If you believe you have the right to a child coordinator but have not been assigned one, you can file a complaint with the County Governor (Statsforvalteren). Reference pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven § 7-2 Klage in your complaint.
If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the child coordinator service, you can also file a complaint. In this case, you should direct your complaint to the municipal unit responsible for deciding eligibility for the child coordinator service.
Tjenesten oppdatert: 14.02.2025 14:51