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Dagaktivitetstilbud til hjemmeboende med demens

If you are a relative of someone with dementia who lives at home, you can apply to the municipality for day activity services.


The day activity services for home-dwelling individuals with dementia are tailored to the user’s needs and abilities, aiming to provide positive experiences and meaningful daily activities. At the same time, you as a caregiver will receive necessary relief.

Examples of activities that may be offered include:

  • Walking or cycling trips
  • Exercise, dance, singing, and music
  • Reading and poetry groups
  • Cultural experiences
  • Handicrafts
  • Outdoor activities

Target group

  • Individuals with dementia who live at home.
  • Individuals with dementia who have short-term stays in an institution.
  • Relatives of individuals with dementia who either live at home or have short-term stays.


Charges/Cost of the service

The municipality may charge a co-payment for the service.

If the day activity service is primarily intended to provide relief for you as a caregiver, the service is free of charge.

Cooperating authorities


This is a legally mandated service. See in particular Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven § 3-2 nr. 7 og pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven § 2-1a.

Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven
Forskrift om egenandel for helse- og omsorgstjenester

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

You must submit an application to the municipality. The municipality will then make a decision based on an individual assessment of the user’s needs and preferences.


Administrative procedure

You will be notified that the municipality is processing your case, and you will have the opportunity to provide your input. The municipality is required to gather all necessary information to make a decision, and you have the right to access the documents related to your case. The decision will include the municipality’s reasoning, how the decision was reached, and who was involved in the process. The decision will be sent to you in writing.

Time taken to consider the application

The municipality must process the case as soon as possible. If the case cannot be resolved within one month, you will receive written notification explaining the reason for the delay and an estimated timeframe for the decision.

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can appeal to the municipality within three weeks of receiving it. Explain what you disagree with and why you believe the decision should be changed. If you need guidance, you can contact the municipality. If the municipality upholds its decision, the case will be forwarded to the County Governor, who will determine whether the appeal should be upheld.

You can also appeal to the County Governor in your region regarding inadequate service delivery, insufficient or incorrect information, or breaches of confidentiality.

If a serious incident occurs in connection with the service, you as a relative or patient can report it directly to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision at +47 474 86 882.

Tjenesten oppdatert: 17.02.2025 10:56