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General Practitioner (GP)

Everyone has the right to be registered with a named general practitioner – a designated doctor for regular medical care.


A general practitioner (GP) is a primary care doctor who has an agreement with the municipality to participate in the GP scheme. Everyone has the right to be registered with a named GP. The GP must be available to their patients and prioritize them over individuals who are not on their patient list.

The GP must also assist you in choosing a treatment facility if you require treatment at a hospital.

You can choose your GP, but the doctor must have available capacity and be part of the GP scheme. You can select a GP in a different municipality from where you live. You are also free to choose a doctor who is not part of the GP scheme, but in that case, you will have to pay a higher co-payment. If you have parental responsibility for a child under 16, you also choose a GP for your child. If you are staying in a nursing home, you have the right to keep your GP, but you must use the nursing home doctor while you are there.

Target group

Everyone residing in Norway has the right to a GP. Individuals with a D-number who are not asylum seekers do not have the right to a GP.

Charges/Cost of the service

You pay a co-payment. If your GP offers appointment booking via SMS or the internet, there should be no additional charge for this service.

The co-payment ceiling for exemption cards for GP and psychologist services in 2025 is 3,278 NOK.


The municipality is responsible for providing this service. See, among others:

Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven §§ 3-1 and 3-2

Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven § 2-1c and Chapter 7 .

Forskrift om fastlegeordning i kommunene
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Forskrift om stønad til dekning av utgifter til undersøkelse og behandling hos lege
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

Whenever possible, you should contact healthcare services digitally or by phone.

If your GP offers online consultations, you will see this option when you log in to helsenorge.no. This is called e-consultation and takes place via audio, video, or text conversation using a computer, tablet, or phone. Click "Start e-consultation" to begin.

If you move to a new municipality, you must report your move to the National Population Register. You will receive a letter from Helsenorge listing available GPs in your new municipality. You can choose one of them or keep your current GP.

At helsenorge.no, you can search for a GP of your choice. If your preferred GP is unavailable, you can join the waiting list.

If you do not have internet access, call Helsenorge at 23 32 70 00. Have your 11-digit national ID number ready before calling. They will inform you about available GPs and register you with your preferred GP if there is an available spot.

The change takes effect from the first day of the month following the registration. You will receive a letter confirming that you have been assigned a new GP.

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

If you are dissatisfied with your GP, you have the right to change your doctor up to two times per calendar year.

If a serious incident occurs in connection with medical services, you as a patient or relative can report it directly to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision at +47 474 86 882.

Tjenesten oppdatert: 17.02.2025 14:07