Health and Care Services for Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Family Reunification Beneficiaries
Asylum seekers, refugees, and individuals granted family reunification who reside or are temporarily staying in the municipality have the right to necessary health and care services on equal terms with others.
The healthcare services for this group are particularly designed to address the fact that some asylum seekers, refugees, and family reunification beneficiaries come from regions with a high risk of certain infectious diseases or require special attention due to experiences before arriving in Norway.
Health services available to this group on the same basis as others include:
- general practitioner (GP) services
- health centers
- school health services
- dental care
- vision and hearing examinations
- follow-up for pregnant women
- dietary guidance
- mental health care.
Target group
Asylum seekers, refugees, and individuals granted family reunification.
For individuals under 18 years old, legal residence is not a requirement to receive healthcare services. For individuals over 18 who do not have legal residence, the law grants access only to emergency healthcare.
Charges/Cost of the service
The services are free unless a law or regulation specifies that a fee must be paid.
Brochures, documents, maps, etc.
These are legally mandated services. See:
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven kap. 3 - Kommunenes ansvar for helse- og omsorgstjenester
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven § 2-1b Rett til nødvendig helsehjelp fra spesialisthelsetjenesten
Forskrift om helsestasjons- og skolehelsetjenesten
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven
Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service
The municipality is responsible for ensuring that refugees, asylum seekers, and family reunification beneficiaries receive healthcare and care services within both primary and specialist healthcare services.
Possibilities to appeal; procedure
If you believe that you are not receiving necessary assistance or are dissatisfied with the service provided, you can submit a complaint to the municipality or directly to the service provider. Explain what you are dissatisfied with and what changes you are requesting.
If a serious incident occurs in connection with a service you receive, you as a patient or relative can report it directly to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision at +47 474 86 882.
Tjenesten oppdatert: 17.02.2025 15:11