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Health Clinic

The health clinic provides healthcare services for pregnant women, children aged 0-5 years, and their parents.


The health clinic follows children from birth until they reach school age. At the clinic, you can receive:

  • Pregnancy and postnatal care, including home visits after birth. The clinic also provides advice and courses on parenting and relationships. You can receive guidance on contraception and prescriptions for contraceptives.
  • Health check-ups and vaccinations for children from birth until school age.
  • If you have a child with special needs, chronic illness, or disabilities, the clinic will collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure the child receives the appropriate care.
  • Support for mental health and prevention of psychological difficulties.

The health clinic has a special responsibility to monitor children and families in potentially challenging life situations and will ensure that both children and their parents receive the necessary support and follow-up.

Target group

Pregnant women, postnatal mothers, parents of newborns, and children aged 0-5 years.

Children and adolescents up to 20 years old are also included in the health clinic's target group, but they usually receive services through school health services or youth health clinics.

Charges/Cost of the service

The service is free of charge.


This is a legally mandated service. See, among others:

  • Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven § 3-1 og § 3-2
  • Smittevernloven § 3-8
  • Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven kapittel 7
  • Forskrift om helsestasjon og skolehelsetjenesten.

Forskrift om helsestasjons- og skolehelsetjenesten
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

After giving birth, the health clinic will contact you to arrange either a home visit or follow-up at the clinic. You will receive invitations for vaccinations and regular check-ups for your child.

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

If you believe that you are not receiving necessary help or are dissatisfied with the service, you can file a complaint with the municipality or directly with the service provider. Explain what you are dissatisfied with and what changes you are requesting.

You can also appeal to the County Governor in your region regarding inadequate service delivery, incorrect or insufficient information, or breaches of confidentiality.

If a serious incident occurs in connection with the service, you as a patient or relative can report it directly to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision at +47 474 86 882

Tjenesten oppdatert: 17.02.2025 16:19