Individual Plan – A Personalized Service Plan
If you receive multiple types of health and care services from the municipality over a long period, you have the right to have these services coordinated and adapted to meet your needs. These services should be compiled into an individual plan.
An individual plan ensures that there is always someone responsible for coordinating and following up on the services you receive. The coordinator is responsible for ensuring collaboration between services and maintaining progress in the plan. As a recipient of these services, you have the right to participate in the development of your individual plan if you wish.
Target group
- Individuals who require long-term and coordinated health, care, and/or social services
- Participants in qualification programs managed by the NAV office
Brochures, documents, maps, etc.
Cooperating authorities
If you need services from both the municipality and the specialist health service (the state), they have a duty to cooperate on developing the plan.
This is a legally mandated service. See:
- Barnevernsloven § 15-9
- Psykisk helsevernloven § 4-1
- Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven kapittel 7 og § 7-1
- Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven § 2-5 og kapittel 7
- Lov om sosiale tjenester i NAV § 28
- Spesialisthelsetjenesteloven § 2-5
- Forskrift om habilitering og rehabilitering kapittel 5
Forskrift om individuell plan ved ytelse av velferdstjenester
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven
Psykisk helsevernloven
Forskrift om habilitering, rehabilitering og koordinator
Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service
You or your relatives can take the initiative to request an individual plan, but the primary responsibility for creating the plan lies with the support system. The municipality is responsible for identifying which health or social service should coordinate the plan and ensure collaboration with other services.
If someone is applying on your behalf, a written authorization must be attached.
Time taken to consider the application
The municipality must process the case as soon as possible. If a decision cannot be made within one month, you will receive written notification explaining the delay and an estimated timeframe for when the decision will be made.
Possibilities to appeal; procedure
You have the right to appeal if you are denied an individual plan. Additionally, if your individual plan does not meet the regulatory requirements, you may file a complaint regarding its content. The complaint should be sent to the relevant municipal authority that processed your case.
The right to appeal is supported by multiple laws, meaning you can appeal to the relevant service providers if they fail to develop an individual plan. The County Governor is the appeal authority for cases related to the Social Services Act in NAV and the Child Welfare Act, while the County Health Supervision Authority is responsible for appeals under health legislation.
Tjenesten oppdatert: 17.02.2025 17:29