Respite Care
Respite care is a service offered to individuals or families with demanding caregiving responsibilities. The purpose of respite care is to ensure that caregivers maintain good health and have time for vacations and leisure activities.
Do you have caregiving responsibilities that make you in need of respite care? The municipality can provide respite services such as home help, day programs, or respite stays at nursing homes. The goal of respite care is to allow you to have normal free time, the opportunity to go on vacations, and the ability to maintain your social network.
Target group
Individuals who provide care for the elderly, people with disabilities, or others in need of assistance.
You must have a particularly demanding caregiving responsibility. Factors that may be considered include:
- The number of hours per month spent on caregiving
- Whether the caregiving work is physically or mentally more demanding than usual
- Whether the caregiving involves frequent night work or interruptions to sleep
The municipality, in collaboration with the applicant, determines which services will be provided.
Charges/Cost of the service
The service is free of charge.
Brochures, documents, maps, etc.
This is a statutory service under Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven. See for example
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven § 3-6 and
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven § 2-8.
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven
Kvalitetsforskrift for pleie- og omsorgstjenestene
Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service
You can contact the municipality for assistance with applying for relief assistance. The care provider and the individual in need of assistance can both apply for relief assistance.
Administrative procedure
You will be notified that the municipality is processing your case, and you will have the opportunity to provide your input. The municipality is required to gather all necessary information to make a decision, and you have the right to access the documents related to your case. The decision will include the municipality’s reasoning, how the decision was reached, and who was involved in the process. The decision will be sent to you in writing.
Time taken to consider the application
The municipality must process the case as soon as possible. If the case cannot be resolved within one month, you will receive written notification explaining the reason for the delay. You will also be informed of the expected time frame for a decision.
Possibilities to appeal; procedure
If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can appeal to the municipality within three weeks of receiving it. Both the caregiver and the person in need of care can appeal the decision. Explain what you disagree with and why you believe the decision should be changed. If you need guidance, you can contact the municipality. If the municipality upholds its decision, the case will be forwarded to the County Governor, who will determine whether the appeal should be upheld.
Tjenesten oppdatert: 14.02.2025 12:21