Youth Health Clinic
The youth health clinic is a free service for young people. The clinic maintains confidentiality, and no appointment is necessary.
At the youth health clinic, you can talk about and receive advice on:
- Mental health
- Growing up in two cultures
- Difficult family situations
- Pregnancy, contraception, and abortion
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Eating disorders
- Alcohol, pills, and drugs
- Violence or abuse
The clinic is open in the afternoons, free of charge, and does not require an appointment.
All staff at the clinic are bound by confidentiality.
If you have not previously received childhood vaccinations, you can get them through the clinic until you turn 20 years old.
Target group
Young people up to 20 years old.
Charges/Cost of the service
The service is free of charge.
Brochures, documents, maps, etc.
The municipality is required to provide health clinic and school health services for children and young people under 20 years old. See in particular:
- Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven § 3-1, § 3-2, § 3-3
- Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven kapittel 7
- Forskrift om helsestasjons- og skolehelsetjenesten § 5, § 6 og § 7.
Forskrift om helsestasjons- og skolehelsetjenesten
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven
Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service
Contact your nearest health clinic. No appointment is required.
Possibilities to appeal; procedure
If you believe you are not receiving the necessary assistance or are dissatisfied with the service, you can submit a complaint to the municipality or directly to the service provider. Explain what you are dissatisfied with and what changes you are requesting.
You can also appeal to the County Governor in your region regarding inadequate service delivery, incorrect or insufficient information, or breaches of confidentiality.
If a serious incident occurs in connection with the service, you can report it directly to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision at +47 474 86 882.
Tjenesten oppdatert: 17.02.2025 16:28