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Borrowing assistive devices

If you are physically disabled, have had an operation or have suffered from an injury or illness, you can borrow assistive devices.


The devices make daily life easier for those who need them, and can be lent out for short or extended periods.


You are physically disabled for a short or extended period.

Charges/Cost of the service

Devices for permanent needs (over two years) are covered by the National Insurance. The municipality covers short-term loans of devices.

Cooperating authorities

The NAV Assistive Technology Centre in your county.

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

Contact the municipality if you need assistive devices. Training in the use of the devices, installation and any repairs are usually carried out by the municipality. When applying for devices for permanent use, the municipality ensures that applications are sent to the NAV Assistive Technology Centre in your county.

Administrative procedure

The municipality will identify your needs. We will normally make a home visit. The decision to allocate devices for permanent use is made pursuant to the National Insurance Act. The decision will indicate whether or not you have been allocated the device. If your request is denied, you will also receive an explanation as to why you were denied.

Time taken to consider the application

The municipality/NAV Assistive Technology Centre will process your case as soon as possible. If a decision cannot be reached on the case within one month, you will receive a written message stating the reason as to why. You will also be informed of when the decision is expected to be made.

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

You can appeal the decision to deny you assistive devices for permanent use within a period of six weeks from when you received the decision. Send your appeal to the NAV Assistive Technology Centre in your county. In your appeal, explain why you think the decision should be changed. If the Assistive Technology Centre upholds its decision, the case will be passed on to the NAV Appeals Board, which will determine whether the appeal should be sustained.

Tjenesten oppdatert: 19.02.2018 17:02

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